
what I'm up to these days

What do I do right now?

I was finishing my PhD at the University of Toronto. I had been aiming to graduate August 2020, but COVID has introduced delays.
Unfortunately, I fell ill and have been on medical leave since January 2021. My life is functionally on hold until my health improves.

I study meta-awareness and attention for my primary PhD work. See my about page for more on that.

I also study psychedelics and have published some of the first research on psychedelic microdosing (more here). I co-founded the Psychedelic Studies Research Program at the University of Toronto and we submitted a Clinical Trial Application to Health Canada to run research on psilocybin microdosing. I also co-founded the Canadian Centre for Psychedelic Science as a firm to consult with industry partners.

I did a podcast in December 2019 where I talk about microdosing and about meditation, another area of my research and the topic of my Master’s thesis.

My CV and contact info are here. Feel free to reach out.

Courses I’m currently engaging